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SmartFactory 团队推出全新警报处理解决方案

作者: Bing Wang, Director of CIM Solution

Reduce production noise and boost operation efficiency
您知道吗?在产量较高的制造工厂中,各种系统或设备每秒钟可发出多达 1000 个警报。 事实上,管理如此繁多的并发警报或警告成为使操作人员分心的主要因素,这意味着他们可能会错过导致晶圆报废或异常的关键警报。 操作员遇到这些问题时,周围充斥着大量误报警报,从而对警报变得不再敏感。 因此对警报的响应被延误,设备长时间处于问题状态,也可能造成错误处理的晶圆继续运行而未被发现。
Figure 1: An overview of how alarm management works.
图 0:警报管理工作原理概述

每天处理成百上千个警报仍然是众多高产量制造工厂面临的常见运营挑战。 事实上,为了应对这种工作负载,制造商需要时刻保持实时的警报管理和响应能力。 借助一种有效管理工厂警报以实现优化运营的解决方案,意味着操作员能够集中精力处理那些需要立即解决的关键警报,并过滤掉那些不太重要的警报。

我们推出全新 SmartFactory Alarm Management 警报管理解决方案,旨在实时应对上述警报管理挑战。 图 1 显示了过滤警报如何提高生产率。
Fig1 Alarm Validity
图 1:基于规则过滤警报使操作员能够专注于有效的警报




降低生产杂讯、整合警报数据,使用户能够快速解决生产问题, 进而提高劳动生产力和运营效率。

Manufacturers using SmartFactory Alarm Management see improvements in operations efficiency, throughput, and yield


  • 在一个单一位置集中对警报进行实时处理
  • 通过一致的程序,简化来自各种系统的警报管理
  • 分级过滤警报,选择最佳警报规则
  • 对警报重要性进行分级,采取最佳警报措施
  • 通过重复警报消除算法,减少生产杂讯
  • 整合警报数据,快速排除故障和解决问题

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Picture of Bing Wang, Director of CIM Solution
Bing Wang, Director of CIM Solution
Bing is a seasoned professional with close to two decades of expertise in semiconductor manufacturing and fab automation software systems. Currently, she holds the position of Director of CIM Solution at Applied Materials Automation Products Group. Bing is at the forefront of driving innovation and interpreting industry trends to ensure that factory automation solutions remain cutting-edge. Prior to her role at Applied, Bing worked at Micron Technology and IM Flash Technologies, where she led software solutions teams and delivered groundbreaking automation solutions that set new industry benchmarks. Notably, she played a vital role in several successful fab startup projects for both Micron and Intel, which became significant highlights in her career.