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以工厂车间的高效管理的视角(第 1 集,共 5 集)

MES 系统是工厂的运营骨干, 但它的作用还远不止如此!

作者: Dan Meier, Director of MES Strategy

What is a modern mes lets get practical aspirational

第 1 集 - 首要原则

MES 系统是任何工厂的运营骨干,在日常运营中进行配置、维护和持续使用需要付出很大的精力。 但是,制造商想要的不仅仅是将 MES 系统认证挂在墙上,表明他们已经满足了行业质量标准。 在该系列视频(5 集组成)的第1集中,我们将 MES 系统重塑为能够帮助制造商业务更上一层楼的工具,不仅仅是运营方面,还能够加速作出影响业务的决策,并在问题出现之前提前发出警报。


Picture of Dan Meier, Director of MES Strategy
Dan Meier, Director of MES Strategy
Dan is a seasoned manufacturing professional with nearly 30 years of operational and management experience. He has an extensive background in manufacturing optimization, quality systems, analytics, financial modeling, factory automation, and manufacturing software systems. Dan earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in music from The Juilliard School, as well as a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and a Master of Business Administration from the University of New Mexico.