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通用数据模型支持快速部署生产效率解决方案——解决方案(第 2 部分,共3部分)


作者: Madhav Kidambi, Director, Technical Marketing, Automation Products Group

Common Data Model Enables Rapid Deployment for Productivity Solution


为了弥合这一差距,应用材料公司正在开发一种通用数据模型,该模型使用应用材料公司APF(先级生产效率平台)软件环境中的提取、转换和映射 (ETL) 功能模块。

下图 1 显示了构建通用数据模型模式所涉及的步骤


从派工到自动化的通用框架——基于Smartfactory平台 ETM, 通用数据模型 (CDM),EngineeredWorks,解决方案 UI > 开箱即用解决方案

应用材料公司的解决方案利用开箱即用的 APF 适配器集成来自各种来源的数据,如 CIM 解决方案中的 MES、MCS 和其他应用程序。

图 2 显示了 APF 存储库中从各种解决方案中截获的数据

数据在 APF 存储库被复制后,系统就会使用 APF 宏将其映射到通用数据模型架构,如图 3 所示

提取、转置和映射 (ETM)


图 4 显示了各种表的部分快照

最近,应用材料公司一直使用这种方法,实现了在 6 个月内快速部署工厂生产效率解决方案。


Picture of Madhav Kidambi, Director, Technical Marketing, Automation Products Group
Madhav Kidambi, Director, Technical Marketing, Automation Products Group
Madhav has been working in the semiconductor industry for the past 24 years in the areas of simulation modeling, dispatching /scheduling, and factory automation systems. He has led the deployment of the Dispatching and Full Auto solutions at numerous 200mm and 300mm front end manufacturing sites. He has also helped deploy scheduling and planning solutions from Applied Materials. Prior to joining Applied Materials, Mr. Kidambi worked at Infineon, Qimonda, and Spansion. He is currently leading the product management group for factory productivity and supply chain solutions within Applied Materials Automation Products Group. He has an MS in industrial and systems engineering from Virginia Tech University and a BE in mechanical engineering from VNIT, India.