How do you manage critical production assets in your factory?
A durable is essentially a mobile extension of a tool—a reticle, carrier, probe card, pump, valve, burn-in-board, socket, trolley etc. Consumables such as gases, chemicals and targets, are used up during production. SmartFactory Durables Management solution is an automated management system that involves tracking, monitoring and optimizing the usage, maintenance, and lifecycle of these assets to ensure smooth operations and maximize productivity.

Why choose SmartFactory Durables Management?
6-8% of scrap reduction due to human error, contamination and material quality
3% improvement on equipment utilization
Labor overhead cost savings due to automation
What can you gain from our approach?
Easier traceability
- Locating the durable/consumable and what state it is in
- Achieve higher equipment utilization
- Gain higher yield by using the proper durable/consumable and properly maintaining and storing them
- Reduce overhead from manually tracking durables/consumables
Seamless integration
- Easily connect with other factory systems such as MES, MCS, SPC, Maintenance Management and dispatching
- Utilize SmartFactory RTD to boost real-time decision-making and WIP management, resulting in improved equipment uptime
- Deploy SmartFactory SPC to improve process quality and reduce scrap time by having a positive impact on performance statistics
Easier state modeling
- Rapid ability to define state model to track and manage the lifecycle of any durable/consumable
- Easily configure models without any programming
- Automatic triggers