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Move to full automation

Maximize the full potential of your factory: improve quality, cycle time, and asset utilization.
Maximize the full potential of your factory: improve quality, cycle time, and asset utilization.


Factory automation at all levels, such as planning, scheduling, factory equipment and control, they can help significantly in reducing the waste and consequently, they can improve the cycle time, the factory output, cost and customer delivery. The first step is detection and there are sophisticated and mature systems for detection.

Those include statistical process control and fault detection systems.

And so one of the things that we are doing with our customers is working to help them do this electronically and it is reducing their mean time to resolution on the problems that they identify.

This results in an ability to look at factory resources at a holistic basis, disruption, delays and cost associated with having to analyze and validate changes to the WIP management policies such as dispatching and scheduling and to build realistic what-if models for capacity planning scenarios.

Certain product life cycle, customers have to produce the quality products at the right place, at the right time and at the right profit margin.

That success comes down to the initiative and drive of the engineering teams at the site. The best companies are those that empower those engineers and give them the tools that they need. Automation systems really are an extremely critical part of that whole picture.

These are some of the ways that Applied Materials is investing in our customer’s success.

About the Author

Picture of SmartFactory Automation Solution Experts Team
SmartFactory Automation Solution Experts Team
The Applied SmartFactory® automation solution experts team develops integrated automation solutions for semiconductor manufacturers to improve the performance of factories. From implementing a manufacturing execution system that advances collaboration and automation, to integrating AI/ML technologies for faster decision making, SmartFactory automation solutions enable manufacturers to prioritize quality and reliability across every stage of the manufacturing process.