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Enable dispatching, planning, and scheduling solutions integrated with real-time data to boost factory productivity.
Keep your factory healthy and running smoothly using run-time monitoring and predictive analytics algorithms
Manufacturers rely on SmartFactory solutions to improve process quality, increase factory performance, and maximize performance of equipment.
Learn how to shorten cycle time, manage bottlenecks and react in real-time using integrated productivity solutions.
Shekar Krishnaswamy shares insights on how planning, scheduling, equipment control and overall operations improve cycle time, factory output, costs and customer delivery.
Selim Nahas shares insights on ways to reduce human variability and improve problem solving in the fab.
New ways to streamline device production processes and wring higher productivity.
Quality improvement strategies that provide users with recommended actions.
Gain continuous improvements in operations and construction of new factories.
UMC integrates real-time dispatching, full automation workflow, MES 300works® and more.
Semiconductor manufacturing has moved through several levels of technology. Now the industry is entering another change cycle.