Learn how semiconductor factory automation experts are navigating technology, people, and market dynamics to gain competitive advantage in semiconductor manufacturing. Popular semiconductor categories include MES, AI/ML technologies, quality, productivity, scheduling, use cases, and smart manufacturing.
This fully integrated solution enables manufacturers to manage deployments in as little as six months, a quarter of the time it typically takes them to develop individual models.
Integrating the functions of Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Fault Detection (FD) helps semiconductor manufacturers achieve higher quality, reliability, and efficiency
This blog series discusses strategies, priorities, and challenges manufacturers face to automate factories of any size to move the needle towards zero defects manufacturing
Explore how reinforcement learning offers a revolutionary approach to using real world data to solve complex scheduling and dispatching challenges in semiconductor manufacturing.
Make more advanced validations and fine tune the schedule generated by a factory schedule solution system to get the most from your semiconductor factory
We define smart manufacturing as striving for zero defects and optimal asset utilization of trying to get the most out of what you have. This allows you to drive the highest quality in your semiconductor factory and create the most profit from your operations.
In this webinar, Selim Nahas, Yoram Barak and Chandramouli Sankaranarayanan discuss the importance of durables monitoring in semiconductor manufacturing.